After highschool I had enough with just sitting on my fat ass and listen to stuff, that I couldn't relate to. Back then I didn't know what I wanted to do with my life and all it took for me to find out, was a massive riot in Copenhagen in 2007.
I was in the middle of all that burning blockades and teargas and when I saw those picures from the riots, I instantly knew what I wanted to do with my life. I wanted to be a photographer.
A'lot of things have happened since then and I'm been going solo, for a very long time and I definetly feel, that this is it, it is time for me to go back to school. So I applied for Denmark's Media- & journalist school here in Copenhagen, where they have the perfect class for me called: Photography and communication.
But it's not all that simple, you have to go through some tests, before you can sign up. I heard that there is about 900 attendants, where only 20 of those will be picked.
First you have to go through a pre-test and if you make it through that one, another test and an interview awaits you. The deadline was today the 17th of April and I just uploaded my assignment last night. 5 o'clock this morning to be exact.
The subject for the pre-test was Passion, so I had to come up with something that did. The three pictures either had to be connected or be independent from each other. I chosed the first one.
Actually I first started on the assignment yesterday and I'm all tired and stressed out today, but I'm glad I made it. Go to the bottom and you'll see the three pics that I send in together with a second part of the assignment(Not shown).
One of my long time buddies is a pro MMA fighter and I knew how much of his time, sweat, blood and pain he puts into his training. So the subject was right there in front of me. I was suppose to shoot him last saturday, but he got injured and wasn't ready until yesterday. I was a bit stressed out that we had to do it the day before the deadline. So yesterday was a bit too much, but it was good to see him again and all in all, I made the deadline:-)
Theme: Passion
The day before entering the cage
Nicolas Dalby aka Sharpshooter. Pro MMA fighter, Undefeated!
Pain, SacrificeThe day before entering the cage
Nicolas Dalby aka Sharpshooter. Pro MMA fighter, Undefeated!
Pain, Sacrifice
& Love
& Love
& Love
Pain, Sacrifice
& Love
Wish me luck:-)
7 kommentarer:
Jeg krydser fingre for dig Kenneth! Jeg skal igennem det samme, bare i århus næste år.
Super fede billeder, håber du kommer ind, syntes selv du har ramt emnet lige i kassen!..
Held og lykke
Pøj pøj med det ! :) glæder mig til at høre mere om hvordan det gik..
Du er i forvejen min favorit fotograf her i Danmark!
Held og lykke!
Sad også selv og knoklede med opgaven dagen før deadline, så kan godt følge dig i forhold til stressen ;)
Det er fedt at se dit bud på opgaven. Held og lykke herfra (:
Virkelig fin lille serie (de tre udvalgte fotos). HÅber du kom ind!! Er vild med dit arbejde og glæder mig til at følge dig fortsat!
Virkelig fin lille serie (de tre udvalgte fotos). HÅber du kom ind!! Er vild med dit arbejde og glæder mig til at følge dig fortsat!
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