fredag den 12. maj 2017

Back at it again

It's been a long time since I've done shoot like this, back then I called it the The Morning After, but with so much I quickly got bored when something gets too hyped.
For various reasons I completely stopped doing it, some was in being in a relationship and other because I didn't felt inspired to do them anymore.
There have been a'lot of work lately where my photography really felt like work and less fun and inspirational. My girlfriend now Alona, have been trying to push me to do these again, but because of complications in a earlier relationship I didn't felt like I needed to do again.
The final push was really because of B, my good friend from years back in Jutland popped out of nothing and said "We really need to shoot now, We've been talking about this for years!". When she asked I really felt drived to do it, so a bit back and forth I agreed and because ideas was flying around in my head, we did it on the same day we talked about it... Which was yesterday.

This is really just some test shots we did, next shoot is next week!

Instagram @kennethnguyen 

1 kommentar:

Unknown sagde ...

Gal en lækker krop! Love curve woman