lørdag den 12. maj 2012

2 down 1 to go. Light, room & action

I woke up at 7 am this morning with my stomach full of butterflies! The reason for the butterflies, was that today was the day for the 2nd part of the course for Media & Journalist school. The course was divided in two assignments. 1st one was a written theory test and the 2nd one was a photo assignment in the field. We were asked to shoot a library, which was famous for it's rebuilding and functions. It had even won a distinguished prize called the MIPIM award.

We were given three words: Light, Room & Action, that we had to interpret in our own way. My first thought of the assignment was that it sucked big time, because thinking that 57 others and myself had to walk around and shoot the same thing was boring. But I quickly became aware of that there was a purpose and why they picked this place for us. They wanted us away from our safe zone and make us think out of the box and I loved it. It made me think in ways I never have done before and I loved the challenge that forced me to think and spot things others didn't.

These pictures was my  interpretation of Light, Room & Action, seen from inside of The Library on Rentemestervej 76.




I was already done shooting after an hour an a half, so with three hours to go,  I thought I'll make a little photo series on my fellow competitors and hopefully soon to be class mates:-)

It was fun to see how the others worked and I can't wait to see how they solved their assignment.

Tomorow is the last day of tests, where we are shooting portraits and getting interviewed by the teachers.

Wish me luck!

1 kommentar:

Unknown sagde ...

De er helt vildt godt taget de billeder der!!:-)