søndag den 8. januar 2012

Sneak peek on Le-fix winter/fall lookbook 2012

I've only met Jari a few times. Always just chillin on Guldbergsgade, mumbleling with a finnish accent and a rough voice. I have never really understood the words that came out of his mouth, but I surely enjoyed my meetings with him. He thinks I am from Pakistan!

He knows everybody on Guldbergsgade, and everyone there definetly knows Jari. He is always good for a little chat with the guys at the Le-fix shop, and is also often seen fixed up in Le-Fix gear.

Thats one good looking fin I tell ya:-)

I've tried to take some pics of him a few times before, but he never said yes and told me that he hates to have pictures taken. So how Benny from Le-Fix persueded him to say yes is a mystery for me!? Jari told Benny that he couldn't sleep all night because of the shoot, so he was a bit grumpy when I hooked up with them.
The shoot was on Guldbergsgade, where all Jari's hangout places are. We didn't really plan anything for the shoot so Benny and I just winged it a bit. It just made the pictures look more believable.

1st part of Le-fix look book is more about him than the clothing!

Meet Jari, street king of Guldbergsgade!

2 kommentarer:

Josephine sagde ...

Fede billeder!

Michelle Rasmussen sagde ...

Kan sgu meget godt lide denne serie.
Fed ide til winter/fall lookbook!