tirsdag den 30. juli 2013

Growing up!

On saturday the 27th of july, my good friend and brother got married to his beautiful wife Stine. I never really thougt too much of weddings, but this time was different. It was one of the boys, who got tied up (point of no return, buddy;-)!

It's amazing how time flies and we are all growing up! It was a beautiful wedding and for once I wasn't asked to shoot the wedding, but of course I couldn't keep my trigger-fingers from clicking, so I did it anyway!

The DxPxNx Cph crew! Missing link Virge the Bird!

After sunset!

Thank you for at beautiful day to remember for life! May you live happily ever after and after and after!
I was the last man standing:-D

torsdag den 18. juli 2013

Altamont lookbook sneak peak, Scandinavia 2013

One of my buddies from Altamont Scandinavia called me up the other day (I wrote this some month ago, after we did the shoot) and asked if I would be interested in shooting a little lookbook for him. I didn't hesitate and said yes right away.
I've been having so many ideas in my head lately, that this just came at a perfect time.
With Altamont (Los Angeles), I could definitely do something different than the other fashion brands I'm used to working with. I started with a little moodboard, that I mailed to Thomas My (the guy from Altamont Scandinavia) and he liked what I had in mind for the shoot :-) Awesome!

My idea was to use the elements around us at the locations and have them be more than just backgrounds. -To let reflections in buildings, puddles and so on play their part. We had all types of weather that day, so it was a perfect day for a little creative spontaneity.

This has by far been the best lookbook I've done for anyone and I had so much fun doing it! I just love when  clients give you free hands on a project! Thanks Thomas! Stylist/client: Thomas My Model: Uncle Razz