onsdag den 22. juni 2016

100 years with BMW

In celebration of BMW's 100 years, I was invited to to experience first hand their three hybrid cars. The BMW 330, BMW X5 and of course the BMW i8 but... before I could take them for a ride, BMW thought it would be a good idea to send me on a BMW bootcamp to Munich Germany to teach me a bit about how it all works and show me where BMW was born.
I couldn't agree more, because I really have no clue about cars whats so ever, I do have a drivers licens though. I'm a bit more of a bike guy

But driving the BMW i8 kinda changed all that for me;-)

Hit the link to see the future

BMW Headquaters.
Did you know Münich was build around BMW and that BMW owns Mini Cooper and Rolls Royce?
BMW pratically is the reason why Münick exsist 

I was invited to the BMW Welt, the museum and of course their BMW plant.
For Obvious reason photos of their lab and inside their factory plants was not allowed.

After a weekend in Münich with BMW I didn't get more wise about cars, but I do know a'lot about BMW now:-D

 My first experience with the three Hybrid cars, check it out!

Also I got to borrow the BMW i8 for a whole three days! I took it south from Copenhagen where I could shoot it in a more nature friendly environment and I also did a some drone shots with it which was a bit more difficult than I thought, but I think it turned out all right, what do you think?

Shooting cars isn't my thing, but I think I did all right

Those wings does add a whole lot of steeze to the i8!

 Brought some smoke.

  Note: This is a sponsored post.

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