søndag den 27. november 2011

Toback to the Fromtime - Malk de Koijn

Yesterday I shot a danish rap group Malk de Koijn. As usually we only get to shoot the first three songs, but that was fine with me, just means more time to enjoy the concert and more time to booze up:-) I've been a fan of them since their first album, I practically grew up with their songs. They performed in front of 6000+ people, all jumping from the front row to deep down in the back! It's been long since I have felt so strong a crowd to a danish hiphop concert. Well Done MdK!

1 kommentar:

  1. Virkelig fede billeder Kenneth! Du har virkelig fanget stemningen til koncerten! Og generelt bare stor respekt for alt du fanger med linsen!
