This is my 2nd time in Barcelona with D.P.N aka Dog Pound Nation! Barcelona is what Barcelona is, good weather, beaches, party, ink and good people. This year I decided, that I would concentrate more on filming and just have fun, but of course as usually I can't not shoot pictures:-) I had a hard time choosing for color or B/W, but I ended up thinking I clean with the editing and upload them all in B/W.
Last night when I was on my way home with two of the douchebags, we got hold up by some trick thieves, they managed to take my Iphone, but I felt it right away and started running after them while yelling all crazy and shit "GIVE ME MY FUCKING PHONE BACK"! I caught up on him at a turn, where I grabbed the bugger and pushed him up against the wall. I took my phone right out of his hand and just walked away! FUCK YOU ASSHOLE!
CPH see you on tuesday!
Ken & Beauvais at Bun Bo Vietnam
Barcelona alley at night
Awesome couple
Awesome elderly lady
Ken getting his freak on
Awesome dude and dog
Thanh the man
Don't ignore, don't forget!
From left to right: Mark, Tony(LTW) & Javier Rodriguez(LTW)
Yeah I got inked on my chest... ain't nothing I feel like doing again, sometime soon! Photo by Kasper Enø.
Like I said, I wanted to film a bit more this year and do a little film for the guys when we come back. Until now have edited a little bit and made some "trailers" for the movie and this is what I have made so far:-)
søndag den 20. maj 2012
søndag den 13. maj 2012
Today 56 people and I finished our final test, and all we can do now is to wait and see if we got what it takes to go to the Media & Journalist School.
The course today consisted of three test, the first one was another written test, where we had to imagine a shoot with Mads Mikkelsen. We were asked to write down our thoughts not only for ourselves, but we also had to write it down in that way, so as if another photographer could understand and shoot it themselves. We could almost write whatever, it just had to include Mads Mikkelsen and Central station, as a part of the shoot.
If I had a chance to shoot Mads Mikkelsen, this is how I would wanted it to look like(Sorry it's only in Danish):
Ps. I know I suck at writing in danish and english, so when I read the assignment description, that gramma wouldn't include in the judging factor, I was reliefed:-D
After the shoot, I was called in for an interview with two teachers from the Communication & photography class. I'm not gonna go into details with the interview, but I think it went pretty good, they were very sweet and I hope what I have say, made any sense;-)
The 3rd test was about testing our point of view in design and sense for looks. We were given this one picture only, that we had to make two book covers out of. Unfortunatly I forgot to save the original picture, so I can't show you how it looked, before I cropped it up into two pieces for my book cover. We were allowed to use whatever font we wanted, for the titles and it was totally up to ourselves how we cropped and used the picture. Though one thing that we couldn't do, was to re-edit the picture, it had to have it's originally look. Besides that, we were also given two titles, that we had for a name for our books, which was Film Noir and Art Deco. I'm to lazy to explain what the titles mean, so you have to google it for a better understanding of my choice of design and words. Again sorry for my lazyness, it has been a loooong day!
I choosed the simple look and fonts. In my opionion, less is better!
When all was done, we had to upload our answers and work to the school server before pasting the printed version onto a collage. I made it all with a spare 15 minutes to go before deadline and this is how my collage looked like:-)
All done and all I can do now, is to sit back and wait to the 28th of June, where we are gonna receive a mail of our results!
Wish me luck!
The course today consisted of three test, the first one was another written test, where we had to imagine a shoot with Mads Mikkelsen. We were asked to write down our thoughts not only for ourselves, but we also had to write it down in that way, so as if another photographer could understand and shoot it themselves. We could almost write whatever, it just had to include Mads Mikkelsen and Central station, as a part of the shoot.
If I had a chance to shoot Mads Mikkelsen, this is how I would wanted it to look like(Sorry it's only in Danish):
Ps. I know I suck at writing in danish and english, so when I read the assignment description, that gramma wouldn't include in the judging factor, I was reliefed:-D
Mads Mikkelsen på Københavns Hovedbanegård
En kampagne plakat om opmærksomhed: Husk det smitter når man smiler.
At gøre opmærksom på de ”andre” mennesker som er en del af vores hverdag, men som vi ofte glemmer at tænke på.
Vi prøver så ofte om vi vil det eller ej, at vende vores ansigt den modsatte vej, når vi støder på en hjemløs eller tiggere. Når det kommer til de kendte, såsom skuespiller, musikere, artister og andre kendte mennesker er vores opmærksomhed ofte det modsatte og vores blik ofte rettet mod dem, så snart vi spotter dem. Ideen med denne kampagne er, at skabe opmærksomhed og skabe en bedre hverdag til de hjemløse, som vi ofte har let ved at glemme og ignorere. Det kræver så lidt at gøre andre glade og et kort opmærksomhed, et blik eller et ”ligegyldigt” samtale med bumsen i S-toget eller gaden, er nok til at gøre deres dag bedre.
”Der findes ingen værre følelse end at føle sig glemt og ligegyldig”.
Så ideen er at lave en serie med kendte(Mads Mikkelsen) klædt ud som en hjemløs og helt usoigneret, skægstubbe osv. At skabe fokus på dem, der ikke har det lige så godt som os andre.
Location og opsætning: Hovedbanen
Mads Mikkelsen skal placeres midt i Københavns mest travle menneske trafik, som selvfølgelig er Hovedbanen. Da det skal være en kommerciel kampagne med en efterfølgende viral reklame film er det vigtigt at billedet skydes opsat og ikke som en reportage. Reklame filmen skal tage udgang i plakaten, så plakaten kommer altså også til at virke som en pitch.
Mads Mikkelsen skal placeres under uret siddende med hætte over hovedet og med hår der stritter ud. Jeg forestiller mig at han ligner den rolle han havde i Valhalla Rising(på nær det manglende øje) og iført tøj som en typisk ”bumse agtigt”fra en hollywood film.
Til selve kompositionen og lyset, vil jeg som sagt gerne placere ham under uret, som er ret genkendelig for mange danskere og især københavnere. Uret skal ikke have nogle visere og skal være symbol på, at mens vi ”andre” er afhængig af tiden, så er tiden for den hjemløse ofte det modsatte. Udover den tidsløse ur skal statisterne være helt anonyme og være i motion blur. Det vil være lettest at skyde Mads i et studio, hvor han derefter klippes ind i location billedet som jeg også skal stå få. Det er YDERST vigtigt, at han står skarpest på billedet, så sørg for noget godt lys, såsom et spot lys forfra og en i hver side bagfra når han skydes. Det hele skal selvfølgelig photoshoppes så lyset og andet passer sammen.
Husk at stemningen er alt afgørende, men glem ej budskabet. Husk også, at det ikke er meningen at beskueren skal få dårlig samvittighed og føle sig tvunget, men blot indse hvor let det er og hvor lidt det kræver, at lægge travlheden bag sig i 5min eller 5 sekunder på at sige hej til den lokale hjemløs, som man ser hver dag på sin vej eller i S-toget. Man må ikke glemme at de også er en del af ens hverdag, om man vil det eller ej, vi kan alle skabe et bedre Danmark og det bedste sted at starte er hos sig selv.
The 2nd test was a portrait shoot, where our model was a random teacher from the school. We only had 8 minutes to adjust our camera settings and to shoot in. We didn't get any tools such as a flash studio lights or even a descent background. I don't think it could get more raw and intenst than that. Before the shoot started, I sort of had an idea, but when the door opened up, I got all stressed out and nervous! We were told to make sure we had 25 shots, that we could use and out of those 25 shots, we had to find the best shot and blow it up. My model was this nice lady, whos name I already have forgotten. I think I got some okay shots, and wow what an intenst 8 minute shoot, I hope I never gonna go through that again;-) But it was fun and definetly challenging!
These was the 25 picture I selected for the collage.
After the shoot, I was called in for an interview with two teachers from the Communication & photography class. I'm not gonna go into details with the interview, but I think it went pretty good, they were very sweet and I hope what I have say, made any sense;-)
The 3rd test was about testing our point of view in design and sense for looks. We were given this one picture only, that we had to make two book covers out of. Unfortunatly I forgot to save the original picture, so I can't show you how it looked, before I cropped it up into two pieces for my book cover. We were allowed to use whatever font we wanted, for the titles and it was totally up to ourselves how we cropped and used the picture. Though one thing that we couldn't do, was to re-edit the picture, it had to have it's originally look. Besides that, we were also given two titles, that we had for a name for our books, which was Film Noir and Art Deco. I'm to lazy to explain what the titles mean, so you have to google it for a better understanding of my choice of design and words. Again sorry for my lazyness, it has been a loooong day!
I choosed the simple look and fonts. In my opionion, less is better!
When all was done, we had to upload our answers and work to the school server before pasting the printed version onto a collage. I made it all with a spare 15 minutes to go before deadline and this is how my collage looked like:-)
All done and all I can do now, is to sit back and wait to the 28th of June, where we are gonna receive a mail of our results!
Hopefully I will see many of these faces again after summer!
Wish me luck!
lørdag den 12. maj 2012
2 down 1 to go. Light, room & action
I woke up at 7 am this morning with my stomach full of butterflies!
The reason for the butterflies, was that today was the day for the 2nd part of the course for Media & Journalist school.
The course was divided in two assignments. 1st one was a written theory test and the 2nd one was a photo assignment in the field. We were asked to shoot a library, which was famous for it's rebuilding and functions. It had even won a distinguished prize called the MIPIM award.
We were given three words: Light, Room & Action, that we had to interpret in our own way. My first thought of the assignment was that it sucked big time, because thinking that 57 others and myself had to walk around and shoot the same thing was boring. But I quickly became aware of that there was a purpose and why they picked this place for us. They wanted us away from our safe zone and make us think out of the box and I loved it. It made me think in ways I never have done before and I loved the challenge that forced me to think and spot things others didn't.
These pictures was my interpretation of Light, Room & Action, seen from inside of The Library on Rentemestervej 76.
I was already done shooting after an hour an a half, so with three hours to go, I thought I'll make a little photo series on my fellow competitors and hopefully soon to be class mates:-)
It was fun to see how the others worked and I can't wait to see how they solved their assignment.
Tomorow is the last day of tests, where we are shooting portraits and getting interviewed by the teachers.
We were given three words: Light, Room & Action, that we had to interpret in our own way. My first thought of the assignment was that it sucked big time, because thinking that 57 others and myself had to walk around and shoot the same thing was boring. But I quickly became aware of that there was a purpose and why they picked this place for us. They wanted us away from our safe zone and make us think out of the box and I loved it. It made me think in ways I never have done before and I loved the challenge that forced me to think and spot things others didn't.
These pictures was my interpretation of Light, Room & Action, seen from inside of The Library on Rentemestervej 76.
I was already done shooting after an hour an a half, so with three hours to go, I thought I'll make a little photo series on my fellow competitors and hopefully soon to be class mates:-)
It was fun to see how the others worked and I can't wait to see how they solved their assignment.
Tomorow is the last day of tests, where we are shooting portraits and getting interviewed by the teachers.
Wish me luck!
tirsdag den 1. maj 2012
Going to Tignes, France.
I rarely get to travel or go on vacation. Like so many others I
wasn't born with a gold spoon in my mouth, my parents didn't buy me an
apartment n'or did they give me a trust fund that I can use. I got
three jobs, my photography and my charity projects, to take care of, so I
can have some butter on my bread and pay my bills and you know what? I love it!
So when Nick from Bitchslap asked me if I could go for them, because some of his own photographers couldn't, I had to say yes. My wallet was low on cash, but fuck yeah I needed to get away from Denmark for a little bit. Though of course it was work/photography related, but I still very much loved it! :-)
A little bit over a month ago I went to Tignes for Bitchslap Mag, to cover the Danish Freestyle in Skiing. Funny as it may sound, because we have no mountains or that much snow in Denmark, we still could and had a Danish championship in freestyle skiing. The size of competitors was not that many, but those who were there, did some sick shit and got massive air on the kickers and the halfpipe!
So when Nick from Bitchslap asked me if I could go for them, because some of his own photographers couldn't, I had to say yes. My wallet was low on cash, but fuck yeah I needed to get away from Denmark for a little bit. Though of course it was work/photography related, but I still very much loved it! :-)
A little bit over a month ago I went to Tignes for Bitchslap Mag, to cover the Danish Freestyle in Skiing. Funny as it may sound, because we have no mountains or that much snow in Denmark, we still could and had a Danish championship in freestyle skiing. The size of competitors was not that many, but those who were there, did some sick shit and got massive air on the kickers and the halfpipe!
This was my first trip on skiis, but I have been on
snowboard two times before in the last 28 years and boy did I suck at that! But
since I’ve been rollerblading for almost 10 years, skiing came more natural to
me and after two days or so, I felt I was flying;-) I’m totally done
with snowboarding!
Can’t wait to go next year, and you know what? Next year is
all about more skiing and less work!
Here are a picture mix-up montage from the trip!